Most of the projects presented here assume access to an inexpensive hobby level filament based 3D printer.  Others may require access to a resin 3D printer or laser cutter.  If you don’t own any of these tools, fear not! These tools are often available at a community maker space.  Sometimes these maker spaces are part of a public library or a community college.  Other times, they are small independent operations, often set up as a non-profit.
A community maker space is often described as “a gym for tools”, but it is more than that.  At the heart of any good makerspace is the people, and the camaraderie that you will find there. 
To find a makerspace near you, try the maker space directory, or search for “Maker space near me” in your favorite search engine.

I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.